Cerebral Palsy Awareness

How to Help People with Cerebral Palsy

There are many ways to show your support and make a positive impact on the lives of people with cerebral palsy (CP) and their families. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Raise Awareness

Spreading awareness about CP helps break down stigma and fosters inclusion. Share information on social media, talk to friends and family, or organize awareness events.

Support Organizations

Donate to CP organizations that support research, provide resources, and advocate for the needs of individuals with CP.

Volunteer Your Time

Volunteer at organizations that work with people with CP. Offer your skills and talents to assist with programs, events, or fundraising.

Be Inclusive

Create a welcoming and inclusive environment for people with CP. Be patient, understanding, and offer assistance when needed.

**Remember:** Every little bit helps! By showing your support and taking action, you can make a difference in the lives of people with CP.